10 Things to Like about the Columbus Marathon (Half)
I recently started creating lists of the positives and negatives of various races I enter. Here are my Columbus Marathon (Half) lists:
10 Things I Liked About the Columbus Marathon
1. Nice scenic neighborhoods!
2. Plenty of water stops.
3. Great volunteers.
4. Obvious where to go — you could not get lost unless you tried.
5. Hills? There are NO hills on this course.6. Nice shirt! It’s a woman’s shirt, it fits, it’s wicking and I like the design. Oh, and it is not white.
7. The medal is pretty nice, too. (It’s heavier than previous medals, and the Chris in the middle spins.)
8. Lots of bands.
9. Good weather
10. Lots of great food at the end. The Krispy Kreme doughnuts were so good!
1. Confusing start at back of pack. Maybe a better sound system? It would be a good idea to go to the starting line then head toward the back to be sure you find the pace groups for walkers.
2. The expo was not very interesting.
3. A couple of the bands folded before we got to them. Those of us at the back of the pack need the music more than the elites.
4. Could not get out of fenced area at end of race because of friends and family crowding the exit.
5. Many of the 3-hour finishers were taking enough food for several people, way more than they could possibly eat. I hope there was enough left for the 7-hour finishers.
When compared to other races I’ve done, the “dings” are pretty insignificant. This was a well-organized, flat, walker-friendly race! I’ll definitely do it again.