Episode 19 Podcast – Dressing for Walking in the Winter
In this episode of the WALK Magazine Podcast, I talk with Larry Smith about how to dress for walking in winter.
Larry is not only a walking visionary (he started an urban walking club in German Village) and a very fast walker, but he is also one of those hardcore athletes who is outside regardless of the weather. (Except for ice and lightning.)
So Larry was the perfect person to talk to about dressing for the winter weather. And because this winter in Central Ohio has been weird and not as cold as typical – yet – it’s not too late to post this information in February.
Follow Larry and the German Village Walking Club Here:
- website: https://www.gvwalkingclub.com/
- Facebook: GermanVillageWalkingClub/
- email: larrywalksfast@gmail.comĀ or
- germanvillagewalkingclub@gmail.com
- Twitter: @LarryWalksFast
I am new to your blog and podcast. I am a 6o year old male that is trying to lose weight and get back into better shape. I have a aortic aneurysm that I need to be careful not to overdue as it is large enough to be a concern but has not changed in size the last 5 years so no need for surgery. I enjoyed the podcast on dressing for winter walking. I mainly use my treadmill during the winter but your podcast has encouraged me to try winter outside walking. Hope to listen to your podcast again soon.
Hi Pete,
Thanks! I’m a firm believer in training outside year round. I didn’t mention in the podcast that I suffer from seasonal depression, and being outside helps so much!
Good luck with your workouts. Let us know how you do in the cold weather!
I was just wondering how hard you push yourself during hot summer days with high humidity. I know how important it is to drink plenty of water during these times as well. But are there hot summer days when you just say to yourself I won’t push myself to hard today or just work out indoors?
Hi Pete,
I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier.
I do walk in the summer. But as you said, sometimes it is too hot or humid to push. I base the decision to walk on how it feels. If the heat doesn’t make me feel drained before I even start, I’ll walk. If while walking it feels too hard, then I take it easy. If I’m on a shady trail, I might push harder.
Though I don’t typically use temperature as a guide, (it doesn’t always get super hot in Ohio), if the day will be in the high 80s or higher, I might walk early in the morning or after dark. In the 90s, or if I am exhausted just walking from my car to the front door, I might walk on a treadmill.
And any time I am walking farther than 6 miles I carry water — regardless of the temperature. In the summer, I carry water for 4 miles.
I hope this is helpful!