6 tips for training in the heat.

6 Tips for Walking in the Heat


Last week I stepped outside for a speed workout, and it was much hotter than I had expected. During the warm-up mile, I realized I was not acclimated, and made the decision to adjust the workout for the heat. As I thought about my options, I decided training in heat would make a great blog post.

So, here are 6 tips for training in the heat

  • Dress appropriately.
    Wear lightweight, breathable, wicking fabrics in light or bright colors. Believe it or not, color does matter – a black technical shirt will feel warmer than a white shirt.
  • Wear a hat or visor.
    To keep the sun off your face and keep the sweat from dripping in your eyes wear a hat or visor.
  • Carry plenty of water.
    I cannot emphasize this enough. It doesn’t matter if you are walking just a couple of miles or 10 miles – carry water. It is better to have water with you and not need it than to need it and not have it. If you have ever had an issue with overheating or heat stroke, it is even more important for you to have water. I can’t find the article right now, but studies show that once you have had heat exhaustion, you are even more likely to be affected by heat. Being over 65 years old will also increase the risk of heat stroke.
  • Get used to the heat.
    Let yourself get acclimated before you go all out. It takes about two weeks for your body to adjust to higher temperatures. So, for right now, get used to the higher temperatures. And if your workout seems too hard one day, make adjustments – reduce your speed or your distance.
  • Change the time you walk.
    If possible, walk either early or late in the day when it is cooler.
  • Look for shade.
    It isn’t always easy, but take a shady route whenever possible. Some multi-use trails have plenty of trees and shade this time of year.

I personally think it is important to train outside year-round. You never know what the weather will be on race day, and you won’t be ready unless you train in all weather. That said, if the temperatures are not safe, move indoors to a treadmill or track, or take it extremely easy.

So be safe and keep walking!

If it is too hot to walk outside, learn more about training on a treadmill here – Conquering the Treadmill.

Music photo created by pressfoto – www.freepik.com
