9 Tips for Successful 2021 Resolutions
Happy New Year!
We survived a year that made it nearly impossible to maintain walking, racing, and fitness goals. Though 2020 had unique challenges, keep in mind that even in a typical year, one-third of all resolutions don’t last through the end of January! Very few even survive March!
To help all of us be successful beyond March, following are nine tips for choosing your 2021 goals.
1. Don’t Overdo It
Don’t set so many goals that you get burned out quickly. If you add swimming and weightlifting along with walking all on the same days while changing your entire diet, within two weeks you won’t be doing anything.
2. Be Realistic
Yes, goals should be challenging, but don’t expect to complete an ultramarathon next month if the farthest you’ve ever walked is 10 miles. But training for a spring or fall marathon or half marathon is challenging and doable.
3. Track Your Success
Many of us use mileage logs to keep our walking in check. Try using a health and fitness journal or notebook to keep track of all your fitness goals. Looking back at what you have accomplished can help keep you going.
4. Start a New Goal each Month Throughout the Year
For example, in January walk 4 to 5 days a week. In February, eat one extra serving of fruit each day. In March, add push ups to your workout routine…. Every month you’ll have something new to focus on that can spark your enthusiasm. If your new behaviors build on each other, you’ll have achieved a lot by the end of the year.
5. Seek Support — Join a Walking Club
It is helpful to join a walking club or meet with others who are working toward a similar goal. If you know someone is waiting for you, you are more likely to go for that walk. Since many of us are not meeting in person right now, virtual groups such as Fleeing 2020 will also help to keep you accountable.

6. Register Early
If your goal is to enter a specific race — even a virtual race — pay your entry fee early. Once you put money toward registration, the hotel, or airfare, you are less likely to back out. In addition, tell everyone you know that you are training for the race. The more people who know, the more embarrassing it would be to back out. Fear of embarrassment can be a great motivator!
7. Be Bold
The opposite of number 2 — Do something bold! Pick something you have always wanted to do that will be a challenge — something that will keep you excited and working hard for a long time. Maybe this is the year you train for your first marathon or half marathon. If you tend to enter local races, pick a race in a great destination like Disney, Hawaii, or even Barbados! Do you want to hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail or the Grand Canyon? Even if we are unable to travel in 2021, start planning for next year.
8. Reward Yourself
When you accomplish a goal, you deserve a reward. After walking 5 days a week for a month, buy a pair of great socks. After completing your first 20-mile walk, schedule a massage. When you finish a great race, buy something to commemorate it! (I’m collecting charms for my “half marathon” charm bracelet.)

9. Don’t Beat Yourself up if You Have a Setback
Pick a day and start over. When “restarting” my resolutions, I usually pick a Monday or the first day of a month, but any day will work.
So, with these tips in mind, let’s all have the best and healthiest year possible in 2021! And I’ll see you at the starting line of the Niagara Falls International Half Marathon in October.
Happy New Year!
Read additional WALK Magazine posts about resolutions: