The Rock that Says Ehh

A few weeks ago I did not feel like walking. I took walking clothes with me so I could stop at a park on the way home, but I still wasn’t feeling it. Regardless, I drove to the park.
As I got out of the car I thought I would just walk to the rock that says “Ehh.” Since I was feeling kinda ehh, it seemed appropriate.
By the time I got to the rock, about 1.5 miles from the start, I was feeling better! So, I took of picture of the rock to remind me that sometimes all you have to do is walk a mile to get rid of that blah feeling that keeps us from even starting.
After I finished the 3 easy miles, I felt great! So glad I walked that day.
I’ve been feeling very unmotivated the last few weeks. Today I ended up at that same park and walked even though I did not feel like it. As I passed the infamous rock, I smiled.