Episode 15 – Half Marathons: Air Force & Run with the Amish
Maybe I should title this episode The Missing Files. Or maybe A Couple of Nice Races. (We use the word nice a lot!)
Last fall I recorded a race recap of both the Air Force Half Marathon and the Adams County Half Marathon Run with the Amish with my friend Deb. Since then I somehow forgot about the recording and never posted the podcast.
That said, registration for both of the 2016 races is now open, and if you are looking for a good (nice) September race, listen to the podcast.
Here’s what’s in this episode:
Air Force Half Marathon — Dayton, OH — Wright Patterson Air Force Base
- Pasta dinner — usually good, this year not so much
- Start of the race
- Mile 8
- Other race participants
- Rain
- The finish line
- After race food
- The best hotel
Adams County Half Marathon Run with the Amish — County, OH
- The huge goody bag
- Dinner with the Amish
- Hilly — understatement, it is HILLY
- Beautiful course
- Amish children
- Cars on the course
- Mile markers — handmade baskets
- Medals are handmade baskets
- Walking division with awards — handmade baskets
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Incredibly helpful. Thanks a lot.