Bad Timing and 5 Things Learned Today
It was supposed to rain this morning, so I opted not to walk with the Buckeye Striders at 8. I didn’t set my alarm clock and when I rolled out of bed at 7:30 the sun was shining and it looked great! Hmmm, maybe I made the wrong decision.
As the morning progressed the skies got gray, the sun shined, the skies got gray, the sun shined … Then there was a huge line of deep black clouds moving in. If I was going to get outside, I was going to have to get out quick.
Because the black clouds were moving fast, and partly because my friend Curtis has been running more than I have, I decided to try to run today. (I’m still training for the Warrior Dash.) I walked quickly to the “big block” and began running. I did a run/walk and was excited that I was able to run farther between walking breaks than I did the last time I ran.
Hail No!
About three-quarters of the way around the block, the rain started so I tried to run harder. Just as I was about finished with my first lap, the hail started! Hail! I began to run home, but realized that by the time I got there the hail would stop and I would be less inclined to go back out.
It’s spring and there are no leaves on the trees in my neighborhood. Still, I stood with my back up against a big tree and tried to use the trunk to block the wind. After just a few minutes the hail stopped and the rain slowed.
Let’s Just Finish
At this point, I just wanted to finish my two laps as quickly as possible. I started running again, trying to pick up the pace and maybe run a little farther between walking breaks. It didn’t work.
My legs were not tired – in fact, based on how my legs felt, I could have easily run a mile non-stop today. The problem was my lungs! They burned, I gasped for air and just could not catch my breath. My heart pounded pretty hard, too. I hate this feeling! (The only other times I have felt this way have been at the end of long-distance races when I am racewalking as hard as possible, or when I am trying to keep up with some of the fastest Buckeye Striders.)
Just a couple of minutes after I made it back home, the rain stopped and the sun came out again.
Five Things I Learned Today
- I am the last person who should pick when to workout outside. Many times I choose the worst weather of the day. (If my friend Deb is out, it is almost guaranteed to be the best weather of the day.)
- I probably do not walk hard enough when I racewalk. I’m definitely not getting my heart rate up as high as I do when running.
- I really need to practice running more if I’m going to be able to run 3 miles for the Warrior Dash.
- Though I still do not enjoy running, I don’t hate it anymore. Though it is hard, and I don’t like the pounding, I really like going faster than when I racewalk. It’s nice to finish just a little faster, too.
- When I run, I can tell that I have regained 3 lbs. – I can feel my stomach jiggle each time a foot hits the ground. That definitely does NOT happen when I racewalk. Maybe if I run more, I’ll be disturbed enough by this I’ll eat healthy more consistently again.
You were missed yesterday morning! I had a feeling you might have been still in bed. It was a beautiful morning–nice and sunny, and a nice breakfast after the walk with Peg and Nancy. See you soon, Deb
When I got up and saw how beautiful it was, I knew you had picked the best time to walk — again!