When you plan to race walk the Disney Marathon, you might as well speed walk the Dopey and the Goofy, too.

Episode 12 Podcast – Are You Dopey?

The Dopey Challenge has become the Holy Grail for Disney race fans. The four-race series held in January includes a 5K, 10K, half marathon and finishes with the Disney Marathon for a total of 48.6 miles! And to commemorate the achievement of finishing, participants earn six medals and six race shirts.

If you are going to race walk a Disney Marathon, you might as well speed walk the half marathon and the Dopey and Goofy, too.
The bonus medals – The Goofy Challenge on the left and the Dopey Challenge on the right.

When I first heard about both the Goofy and Dopey challenges, my first thought was, “Why would anyone do that?”

In January of this year, a group of 5 women from Ohio entered the Dopey Challenge – with one friend who did the Goofy. Recently I  talked to two of them – Karen Edwards and Stephanie Waterman – to find out what the attraction to this race series is.

Highlights include:

  • Registration is about a year in advance.
  • The Dopey Challenge sells out quickly, the Goofy Challenge takes a little more time to sell out.
  • The Dopey Challenge registration fee is over $500 — not including travel expenses.
  • You have to be in the corrals by 5:00 a.m. race morning.
  • The courses don’t change from day to day, and neither does the after race food.
  • There are always long lines for port-a-johns in every race.
  • It’s a great challenge.
  • Participants enter Disney races for the Disney experience.
  • After the Dopey participants finish the marathon, they receive the marathon medal, Goofy medal and the Dopey medal – a lot of weight!
  • Finishers of the Dopey have walked 48.6 miles over 4 days.
  • The 2016 Dopey and Goofy challenges have already sold out.
  • http://www.rundisney.com/disneyworld-marathon/#dopey-challenge
the women who entered the Dopey Challenge and the Goofy Challenge, from left to right: Diane Burris, Karen Edwards, Stephanie Waterman, Darla Kaikis, Vicki Brunetto and Shelly Thompson.
The women who entered the Dopey Challenge and the Goofy Challenge, from left to right: Diane Burris, Karen Edwards, Stephanie Waterman, Darla Kaikis, Vicki Brunetto and Shelly Thompson. Shelly did the Goofy.
The ultimate bling! From left to right, medals for the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Goofy Challenge and Dopey Challenge.
The ultimate bling! From left to right, medals for the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Goofy Challenge and Dopey Challenge.
Dopey shirts
The race shirts in the order of the events: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Goofy and Dopey.



Cindy Wildman
July 28, 2015 at 7:36 pm

I I actually completed the First Dopey Challenge in 2014. As a woman who race walks and competes in Triathlons, I thought this to be a challenge of endurance and strength. I had a mission to complete each race successfully and then move on to the next. When the goal of 48.6 was accomplished I felt such a sense of self worth that I could do it but, do it feeling strong and confident. It was truly an awesome experience. It certainly helped build a lot of character!
Bravo to Karen and Steph for also completed the Challenge.

    July 31, 2015 at 8:53 am

    I felt that same sense of accomplishment with my first full marathon. Still, I can’t imagine doing 48.6 miles over four days!

    They mentioned you several times during the interview. You definitely were an inspiration!

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