Exercise Bikes Suck

Technically, today should have been a rest day since yesterday was my long mileage day. But long mileage was only 4 miles and I really need the exercise and to burn some calories.

Silly me, I thought an easy 30 min. on my antique Schwinn exercise bike would be great.

I dragged the thing out, adjusted the floppy seat, realized it needs batteries to see the speed on the old computer display, then began pedaling. It was NOT easy! Though I remember hating this bike because of the mind numbingness of it, today I remembered it isn’t easy, either. I adjusted the difficulty, made it much easier, but it was still hard. After only 10 min., I was beat and had to quit. My legs felt as if they weighed a ton and I could barely climb the stairs to get out of the basement.

I bought the bike (for a good price) from a health club that was updating its equipment about 20 years ago. It does not get a lot of use, but it’s nice to know it is there, just in case I forget why I hate it.

[Lovely color scheme in my basement, isn’t it? The paneling and carpet came with the house (guess what year it was installed), the area rug was repurposed from upgrades of other rooms.]



January 5, 2010 at 5:19 am

gosh….I shuddered just looking at your stationary bike….just the same as when I look at my elliptical in the garage. I find they are great for hanging washing to dry on..haha…

Good on you for getting on and slogging away on it…

January 10, 2010 at 8:50 pm

The amazing thing is, the bike still works! I think the reason it was so difficult is because I usually walk for exercise and no matter how fast I go, that doesn’t require bending my legs much.

Once I remember how the settings work, I’ll probably use it a little more often this winter.

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