My Resolutions

Happy New Year!

I didn’t used to make New Year’s resolutions, but as I “mature” I see the wisdom in setting goals for the upcoming year. And, as many athletes know, if you don’t set goals for training, you won’t be ready. So, here are my resolutions for 2007:

Personal Fitness Goals
– Walk 3-5 days every single week.
– Set training schedules for the events I will enter, and follow them.
– I won’t enter any event I’m not in shape to enter.
– I won’t increase my mileage by more than 10% in any week.
– Improve my upper body strength.
– Drink more water.
– Eat more fruits and vegetables.
– Schedule a few massages.
– Reduce stress.
– Wear a pedometer more often and keep track of my walking.

Other Goals
– Have WALK! Magazine recognized as THE national walking publication.
– Dramatically increase the number of subscribers.
– Get some (any) publicity for the magazine.
– Plan a walking event for 2008. (It takes at least a year to plan an event properly.)
– Dramatically increase the number of walkers who enter an event. (Wouldn’t it be cool if one of the events we select to go to this year sees a huge increase in the number of walkers?)
– Have each issue filled with exciting and interesting articles.
– This is a biggee, and dependent on increasing subscribers and advertisers, but I would LOVE to publish 6 issues a year.
– Have great content on our web site.
– Increase the types of shirts (and slogans) we offer.
– I will focus less on Ohio weather in my blogs!

The other thing I have realized about New Year’s resolutions and goals is that they should be works in progress. We can’t all be perfect all of the time, and that is OK. Sometimes we set goals that are too high and need to be modified. Sometimes we have early failure and just quit. (That is unacceptable.) It’s OK to readjust or set new goals part way through the year! The important thing is to set the goals to begin with. If we don’t set goals, we have no idea where we are going.

(I would love to see what your resolutions are and how you plan to keep them.)

PS: I did already walk today!



January 1, 2007 at 5:51 pm

Cindi, great goals! I hope you achieve them all in 2007. A few of your goals this year were some of mine last year (drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables). I achieved those, BUT they are obviously on-going goals.

A couple of my specific walking goals for 2007 include:

1. Training for the Columbus Marathon (October). This would be my first marathon.
2. Using my new heart monitor to train more efficiently in my proper target heart rate zone, and
3. Doing more hill work to help develop more strength and speed.

Great Winter Issue! And, I like the new Blog format.

Happy and Healthy New Year!

Larry Smith

January 4, 2007 at 8:04 am


Looks like you are the only one brave enough to post resolutions! Completeling a marathon is a life-altering experience. I think you will really enjoy it. Of course, you are quite a bit faster than I am, so you won’t be out there nearly as long.

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