
Sometimes we need a little bit of perspective. There are times I get so caught up in the stresses of everyday life, meeting deadlines, getting household chores done, paying bills, driving car pool, fitting in exercise…it can be overwhelming.

I was out running errands this evening. (When I say evening, I don’t mean 6 or 7 p.m., it was 9:00 tonight.) At first I was feeling sorry for myself, thinking about everything else I have yet to do tonight and wondering when I am going to get it all done. While I was out, I ran into an acquaintance who has had it rough – really rough. Between employment problems, family health issues, and more, it’s going to be a while before this family sees the light of day.

I walked away feeling a variety of emotions, especially deep sympathy. But once I got to my car, it dawned on me how lucky I have it. Yes, I am pretty much perpetually stressed and I have not met a deadline in a very long time. But I have a great family and I am living the American dream (and MY dream!). I’m publishing my own magazine, it’s growing (adding to the stress), I think I found an ad rep, I’m making some great contacts, I’ve entered some fantastic races and I’ve met some pretty amazing people! OK, so I never sleep – the rest of the stuff I can deal with.
