July 1 is resolution renewal day

Resolution Renewal Day – Time to Reset your Walking Goals

Reset your walking goal resolutions by reading a walking magazine like walk magazine.
July 1 is the unofficial Resolution Renewal Day. Cheers to resetting resolutions for the second half of the year!

Happy Resolution Renewal Day! 

July 1 marks the first day of the second half of the year making this the perfect time to review your New Year’s resolutions and reset your walking goals!

Most resolutions don’t last long. In fact, Strava dubbed January 19, 2020 as Quitters Day – the day people were most likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions. Only 19 days!

Even if you were able to maintain your goals a little bit longer than that, 2020 has thrown a wrench into all of our racing plans. When every race and group training walk is canceled, it is hard to reach any of our walking goals. 

We know COVID-19 is going to keep things from being normal for quite a while, making this a great time to reevaluate and set new resolutions.

4 Resolution Ideas Post-COVID

Become a Streaker

What is your longest walking streak? 5 days? 10 days? 3 weeks? Challenge yourself to walk 1 or 2 miles every day from July 1 until Labor Day (or Thanksgiving, or Christmas). You don’t have to break the longest running streak of 52 years and 39 days, but make it challenging. It will get you out the door for at least 1 mile every single day. And if you walk 1 mile, you might even be inspired to walk a couple more.

Sign up for Virtual Races Part I

Sign up for a virtual race that means something to you and train for it, just as you would an in-person race. Recruit friends or family to sign up too, or to cheer you on from a safe distance.

Walking a virtual race can be helpful during a pandemic. And read a walking magazine like walk magazine.
Bigfoot the Social Distancing Champion virtual 5K had an awesome T-shirt I couldn’t pass up.

Do Virtual Races Part II

If a race you signed up for was canceled, do it anyway! Continue training as if everything were normal. Map out your course in advance, and on “race day,” walk that race.

In March I saw a young athlete run an entire marathon alone on a 1.2-mile loop in a park. Friends wrote encouraging notes in chalk all along the route. (I cheered her on while walking three loops.) She was awesome! Her friends were awesome!

Learn to race walk, speed walk and fast walk by reading a walking magazine like walk magazine.
Encouraging messages for an athlete running a virtual marathon during the pandemic.

Set Distance Goals

Challenge yourself to walk a specific distance in a set number of days. Walk 100 miles in three months, for example. Or measure the distance between two places on a map, and walk the route virtually. Envision yourself walking from your home to Disney or the Grand Canyon, and track your progress. 

The More the Merrier

Once you’ve picked a goal, recruit your walking partners to join you in the challenge. Even when not walking together in person, we can encourage each other to keep moving.


My Reset Resolutions

  • Walk at least 2 miles every day until Labor day. (I started June 1.)
  • Be more mindful of what I eat.
  • Schedule arm and ab workouts. (My races were canceled, I have the time.)
  • Stretch at least three days a week.




September 9, 2020 at 11:40 am

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