Speedo Man Sighting

Speedo Man was spotted at the river today about 11:45. I caught a glimpse of him when I arrived at the park to eat lunch. I hoped to see him on his way back to his car, but didn’t. So, after eating I drove the length of the park to look for him.

He was still heading out in his initial direction — he hadn’t turned around yet. He was not moving very quickly and seemed to be walking more than usual. The biggest surprise to me was that he wasn’t wearing a Speedo — he had on purple running shorts.

I’m glad he is OK.



May 22, 2009 at 10:29 am

Cindi –

When I was doing the Disney World 1/2 we had just gotten out of the gate and maybe a mile in when this guy passed us running in only a red speedo … it was a fairly chilly morning for January in Florida … and the girls running around me were flux-moxed … ok – it took gumption to run in a red Speedo … but, you know, there are some folks that just need to keep their clothes on!

Walk on – DML

May 24, 2009 at 10:51 am

One of my favorites was an older gentleman who was just ahead of me most of The Crim Festival of Races He was shirtless and wearing super short shorts with “Pistons” on his rear end. “Pis” was on the left cheek, and “tons” on the right. I don’t care how big of a sports fan you are, a man should not have words on the back of his shorts!:-)

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