Survey Results

The results are in!

We have a single survey question on the WALK! Magazine web site. “Would you like the option to receive WALK! Magazine electronically instead of in the mail, printed on paper?”

According to our results – about 50% of respondents would like the option!

Though publishing experts have been predicting for years that paper publications are going by the wayside, I wasn’t sure what would happen to magazines. I personally like receiving mine as a printed piece, able to carry something light wherever I go. So to me the results are surprising. But then again, WALK! Magazine is not very large yet. If we averaged over 100 pages per issue, I think the results would be a little bit different.

One respondent said she liked to read the magazine in the bathtub. Well, that just is not going to work on a laptop! Another said he didn’t want to have to print out each page on his own printer. But plenty of you said yes.

Thank you everyone who responded! I’ll look into our electronic options.
