Thefts from Cars on the Rise

Central Ohio has many great parks for walking. Unfortunately, theft from cars at these parks is increasing at an alarming rate. It has become such a big problem, it was one of the main stories on the local news this week. I have to assume if this type of crime is increasing here, it is increasing everywhere.
Now that spring is really here, more of us are walking outside. We don’t have to stop going to parks, but there are plenty of things we can do to reduce our risk of being victims.
- The most obvious thing is to lock your car doors.
- Do not leave anything of value in clear view. According to an article from the City of Omaha Police Department, thieves (typically) will not break into a car if they can’t see something of value.
- Put your valuables or purse in the trunk of your car, but do that before you get to the parking lot. Thieves watch parking lots. It doesn’t do any good to hide them in the trunk if the thieves know they are in the trunk.
- Watch where you park. Some parks have spots that are less likely to be hit than others. For example, at Antrim Park here in Columbus, there have been several smash and grabs in the lower parking lot near the trail. The upper parking lot near the athletic fields rarely has break ins.
- Don’t hide your key anywhere on or in your car. If you can think of a place to hide your key, thieves already know about it. And if a thief finds your keys, not only can he take your car, he can then get into your house.
Though many of these tips are common sense, I often see cars with purses or smart phones in plain sight, or watch women put their purses in the trunk of their cars before they start walking. (I have been known to pull into a parking lot not far from a park, put my purse in the back, then drive to the park.)
Just a couple of minutes planning ahead can make a big difference in whether your car is targeted.