Update – Bonnie and my Walking

Bonnie was great tonight – just like I knew she would be. About 40 people came to the seminar. I did not bring enough sample copies of the magazine with me, because they all went fast. Unfortunately, when I stepped away from the table people walked off with two of my “sample” techncial shirts. Now, I personally would have asked before I left with someone’s shirts, and I did say the magazines were free, (nothing else) but I think I’ll live.

Also, I FINALLY got in a good walk today! Woo hoo! Since I was not able to get in a full 3 miles yesterday bbefore dinner with Bonnie, I was determined to get in a walk tonight. At 4:30 I was at the designated park. I walked for 40 min. (5 more for cool down), rushed home, jumped in the shower and ran off to see Bonnie. Unfortunately, there was a huge wreck on 270 and I got there late. The good news is, there is no other group who would understand like this group.

I got to talk at the end, and that was nice.

A special thank you to Bonnie for doing the extra talk!
